A Christmas Message from our MD – Russell Johnston


As the year draws to a close I thought I’d take a bit of time to reflect on the year – what a year!!  With Covid continuing to hang over us all and the Implementation of the NI Protocol causing challenges for many businesses we all took the strain but continued to deliver great results for our clients.


We became a smaller company in 2021 after completing an MBO and rebranding the company as Green Field Marketing Solutions.  For anyone still reading however, I can tell you we’re a smaller company but with the heart of a lion, passion to burn for our clients’ results and with the agility to react to any challenge that’s thrown at us!


We are very lucky to have a large bank of clients who challenge us, recognise our work, efforts and successes, but most importantly who work in true partnership with us.  A big thank you to all our clients for their business this year.  We really appreciate it all!


To our many and varied suppliers, we owe a great deal of thanks.  The Field Marketing industry we work in is fast moving, ever changing and sometimes challenging but again we have fantastic partnerships with great companies and individuals who have worked to understand our business and provide a great level of service.


Finally, and most importantly thank you to the entire team at Green Field Marketing Solutions,  a phenomenal group of individuals and an even better team!!


Overall it’s been a great year where we’ve had to work hard to earn every bit of success, so when the time comes we are going to relax, reflect and enjoy our friends and families over the Christmas and New Year break and look forward to an even better 2022!


